4 Reasons You Need To Hire An Event Manager

So, your boss has told you that you need to put on an event. Do you do it yourself or hire in an events company to do it? Here are 4 reasons why we think it is better for you and your company to hire in an events company to put on a great event for you!

grapevine event management experts

We are experts in our field

We spend everyday organising events so have great knowledge of the logistics when planning an event. We know the hardest parts of events to organise, the order to organise events and the risks involved in running events. This means we know all the best practices when it comes to organisation, like making sure we have regular meetings with our client and the importance of having great relationships with suppliers.

grapevine event management saves you time

We save you time

We have a great network of suppliers and vendors that we know we can trust and can supply what you need for your event so there will be no need for you to take on the added responsibility of performing your daily tasks and managing a major event for your business. We will know who to contact and can take meeting with venues, caterers, AV companies to ensure that what you want it given to you.

grapevine event management saves you money

We save you money

You might think that because you have to pay an event manager to organise your event it will be more expensive for you. That is not the case! Once we know your budget (and how strict you are about sticking to it), we can work with suppliers to save you money on all kinds of things. This is down to the relationships we build with suppliers and the repeat work we can offer them.

grapevine event management relax

You can relax

This is probably the most crucial aspect of the whole should I hire an event manager debate. Anyone who works in events know how stressful it is, but we do it because we love it! If something goes wrong in the run up to the event you may think it’s the end of the world, but we will always have a backup (or 3). This then leaves you to enjoy the event with your guests and not stress about the event as you will know that there is an expert in place sorting everything out for you.


The key word here is ‘experts’. Grapevine cares about your event and wants it to succeed as much as you do. We have the background knowledge, understanding and experience to make your event work. We will stay behind the scenes, we are not here to take away your glory, but to make sure you get the recognition of a successful event from your delegates and your peers.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help with your event.